Happy International Women’s Day by Dr. Keener

International women’s day is March 8 and is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. Women have made major achievements in all professional fields and are continuing to make advancements. On this day, I would like to focus on a few recommendations for women’s health so we can stay healthy and continue to break through the glass ceiling! 

1. Breast cancer prevention

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. Living a healthy lifestyle can actually reduce the risk of breast cancer in females. Habits that lower the risk of breast cancer include maintaining a normal BMI, limiting processed foods, getting regular exercise, and abstaining from smoking. Early detection of breast cancer or abnormalities in the breast can also be life saving. Be sure to make sure that your yearly mammogram is up to date. 

2. Supporting bone health and preventing osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis is when bones become thinner and this can occur with aging. With the diagnosis of osteoporosis, women can be more prone to fractures when they fall. Millions are diagnosed with a low bone mass every year. Steps to prevent this is to incorporate weight bearing exercises into your exercise routine at least three times a week, maintaining a normal vitamin d level, and focus on getting calcium in your diet. Getting regular bone density screening starting at the age of 65 can also be an important tool to help stay on top of your bone health. 

3. Cervical Cancer screening and prevention 

Cervical cancer is preventable and curable if detected early. Cervical cancer screening begins at the age of 21 with a pap smear. The majority of cervical cancers are attributed to a persistent infection by the human papillomavirus or HPV. HPV is sexually transmitted. The HPV vaccine (Gardasil) was introduced in 2006 and studies have found that it can prevent more than 90% of HPV cancers when given at the recommended age. The CDC recommends that the HPV vaccine can be given starting at the age of 9 to both females and males. This is a great way to help reduce the chances of cervical cancer by helping to prevent HPV infections. And then starting at the age of 21, it is important for women to be sure that their pap smear or cervical cancer screening is up to date. We are happy at EuDoc to help you figure out if you are up to date and also help you determine if you should receive the HPV vaccine. 

3. Focusing on heart health 

Heart disease is the nation’s leading killer of women. Among women, 90% of women have one risk factor for heart disease at some point in their lives. It is important to focus on things to help prevent heart disease. These steps include exercising, getting annual checkups, reducing stress, and many more. Focus on trying to incorporate these steps into your daily routine to help decrease your chance of heart disease. 

4. Exercise 

Regular exercise can help you decrease your chance of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and many other diseases. Focus on trying to get 150 minutes of exercise a week to help overall health and wellness. Exercise can also decrease stress for individuals as well which also comes with health advantages. Focus on trying to incorporate exercise into your weekly routine and if you have any concerns about where to start then talk to us here at EuDoc and we can help guide you to a routine that works for you.

5. Try to eliminate stress as much as possible 

Women often have to play many roles in their lifetime from mothers to wives to

caretakers and often feel like they have to cater to the demands of the entire family. Increased amounts of stress levels can lead to increased blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Be sure that you are taking time for yourself and doing activities that decrease your stress levels. These activities can range from reading, baking, breathing exercises, exercising, etc. Remember to take the time out of the day for you because you deserve it! 

These are just a few screenings and recommendations to stay healthy. To be sure that you are up to date and living the healthiest lifestyle that you can, be sure to book an appointment with us at EuDoc. Get your screenings and lifestyle modifications up to date and get out there and break through the glass ceiling!


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